ThB. Miroslava Čejková

I am very happy you have visited my web site. If you decide to use my services, I believe you will be very satisfied. I enjoy my work and in addition to possessing both theoretical and practical experience, I offer reliability, conscientiousness and flexibility.
My desire is for you to be able to communicate clearly and effectively, even if the language is not your own. I look forward to our cooperation!
2002-2003: Translation-Interpretation Course, McNeilus, Prague
1999: Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English, London, UK
1992-1995: Harvest International Bible College, Kostelec nad Orlici.
From 2000: Translator and interpreter - subjects: theology, psychology, sociology, arts, etc.
Translated Books:
Straight Talk by James Dobson; Adoption by Jayne Schooler; Burnout by Myron Rush; etc. for Návrat domů
The Rest of The Gospel by Stone & Smith; Tired of Trying to Measure Up by Jeff VanVonderen; etc. for Grace Ministries
How to Study Your Bible - for Kids; Lord, I Want to Know You by Kay Arthur; etc. for Christian Mission Society
Through the Bible Through the Year by John Stott; The Bible by Michael Keene; for Biblion
Translated student manuals; interpreted lectures for counselling courses for Grace Ministries, etc.
Translating catalogues for Futura Art Gallery, Prague Biennale 2
Translating web sites
Interpreting for non-Czech citizens in the adoption process in the
Czech Republic


Services Provided
Translation of books, manuals, workbooks, notes, letters.
Translation of documents and forms
Interpretation of courses, seminars, meetings
Interpretation for foreigners at Czech agencies
Interpretation and advice in the Czech adoption process